Allow Me, to Take You For a Ride
May the God Emperor bless our members. So often I am asked “How can I help the club”, or “What does the organization need”, people are ready and eager to donate tangible items. Things like fans, or chairs, or what have you. The fact is we get those things off of Craigslist, or purchase them using the dues our members pay.
What we really need is people to coordinate and run games. This doesn’t have to be anything huge, just you, a few friends having a good night. Have an old table top RPG you have been wanting to play for a while? Run it! We have members chomping at the bit to play in some home brew games. Right now we have Call of Cthulhu, World of Darkness, and Scion being ran at The Bulwark, and we have plenty of people asking about other games too!
Do you love a board game and want to get some players together? Let me know, and I will create an event. If you are interested in playing a game the club can order a copy for you at a huge discount!
So when people ask me, “how do I give back” I tell them just have fun, and bring people along for the ride.