Warhammer 40K – 500 Pts
This Sunday the Bulwark will be opening it’s doors at 3:00 PM for 500 points of Warhammer 40K. If you are working on an army this is a great time to try new tactics, learn the rules, or just come in to paint and socialize. Last week we had a very competitve game of Kill Team and it was a great chance for people to learn the basics of how infantry move, shoot, and to meet the people they would be moving against and shooting at. Also, if you are interested in Warhammer 40K come in an check out this great game, with a great group of people!
Hummm, I just may come by to watch and lurk.
1Please do, you may leave pining for a squad box!
2Eeeee, kill team was so fun! I can hardly wait til I have 500 pts done.